Punch TV Australia

Punch TV Australia is not associated with Punch TV Studios or Punch TV Network in the USA

Punch TV Australia was created by Punch® Equipment in Australia and it's used as our Video platform. We offer Free training tips and boxing workouts. Punch TV also displays our latest product review videos.

What is Punch TV Australia?

Punch TV in Australia aims to provide a video hub for Punch® Equipment and Punchfit®. You will find useful videos that help you learn more about boxing equipment and how to professionally use the gear. Punch TV also provides business tips for Personal Trainers.

How to Choose and Use

Learn how to choose the correct boxing equipment for your needs in this section. Each product is reviewed extensively and Punch TV runs through the best features available. We also teach you how to use our products and give our best advice from years of training.

Business and PT Tips

Our business tips section aims to provide personal trainers with advice for dealing with any client situation. Such as drinking alcohol, poor training ethic and how to run a successful Personal training business.

PT & Squad Drills

If you're looking for advanced training techniques, this section will aim to provide great combinations for your clients.

Lunch Training with Bruce

Bruce is the creator of Punch® Equipment and you can watch his lunchtime training sessions in this section.

Strength & Conditioning

Learn how to incorporate strength training for boxing. You'll find videos on weight training, knuckle strengthening and more.

Injury Prevention

In the injury prevention section, learn how to prevent injuries with Dean from Fighting Fit Physio (fightingfitphysiotherapy.com.au). You will also learn how to professionally strap body parts. As well as learning how to prevent injury during pad work.

PunchTV Pro Team

KHRU Bruce Townhill - Bruce is dual certified as a Thailand Khru-Trainer and has trained over 25000 students over the time. He's also trained 200+ ring fighters, including 38 champion fighters from State to Super heavyweight world champions. He's the founder of PunchTV®, Punch® Equipment and Punchfit Global Pty Ltd. You will find his business tips and training sessions available on PunchTV®.

Nick Atkins - Nick is a Pro Queensland WMC Cruiserweight Thai Boxer and CMT Cage Fighter. He trains at Boonchu Gym on the Gold Coast under 10x World Champion, John Wayne Parr. Nick also runs Wanna Be a Kickboxer and licences Punchfit Global Pty Ltd.

Dean Phelps - Dean is the managing director of Fighting Fit Physio on the Gold Coast. He specialises in injury prevention and strength/conditioning for combat sports. You'll find Dean in most of our videos about injuries, weight lifting and technique.

Darren Freiberg - Darren is a professional, full time Pad Holder/Trainer on the Gold Coast. He has 20 years experience in Muay Thai Boxing with 20 Pro Fights. He's also a product tester at Punch® Equipment and tests all new products. On PunchTV, Darren trains with Bruce in his lunch training sessions and other Boxing videos.